High-level Services for Our Dear Guests

1. Touch base with guests pre-arrival

A detailed pre-arrival email to all guests can make their arrival and check-in process much smoother. Not all your guests will read the email beforehand, but those who tend to ask a lot of questions are likely to. You can consider adapting the pre-arrival email to different types of guests or to different times of the year for a more personalized experience. Repeat guests, for example, will be more interested in what’s new and won’t want to receive the same email every time they stay with you.

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2. A smile goes a long way

First impressions make a big difference in this business. Kicking off the arrival and check-in experience on the right foot will not only make your guests feel appreciated, but also establish the tone for the rest of their stay.

When you check the arrivals each day, take the time to review the names and reservation details and be sure to greet everyone by name and with a welcoming smile. Often, guests will have travelled far and could be tired and irritable – to go one step further add a welcome refreshment, such as a local drink or snack. Even a cool drink of water can make a huge difference after a series of plane, train and taxi rides.

3. Make it easy for your guests to get in touch

How you execute this tip depends on your clientele and the size of your hotel. If you have an older, more traditional customer base, they may prefer to use a phone system in the hotel to get in touch with reception. This method also works if your hotel is quite large – it’s easier simply to walk to reception in smaller hotels – and doesn’t have great Wi-Fi.

4. Be an insider of your local area

When your guests arrive in their room, there should be a welcome book waiting for them. While historically this has contained all the whats and how-tos of the property and services, it should also include tips on what to see in the area, as well as recommendations on the best time to go and hidden gems that only the locals know about.

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